Friday, May 16, 2014

Goodbye, sanity!

This is stuck in my, not a pleasant song...
...but a perennial sense of something going wrong...
My vain attempts to shut it out of my head...
...ends the day, having done nothing, just going to bed...
After yet another day of unproductivity...
...where do I go look disappearing creativity?!
I hear them screaming...
...I see them coming...
Those diabolic devils...
...Do I rightly sense the perils..?

I know I am looking for an ending...
...but have I overlooked the sign at the bending..?


  1. Hahaha at the bending :P I like the attempt, could be made more rhymey :)

  2. hahaha, good bye too. This is Awesome. I going to share this with other blogger friends so that they could also participate :)...
