Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Dedication

Struck by people who stimulate not just themselves,but others around them. These passionate souls with goal(s) to achieve, have 'miles to go' in their own (read self-defined) terms. Extremely efficient at refueling their insides,a simple yet amazing clarity of thought drives them towards what they really want in LIFE. For a chunk of them belonging to this extraordinary category,it is a problem statement with some input random data and they find the solution, day in and day out. For a few others,it is a step by step journey and THEY tread the path carefully, yet cheerfully. Yet another group, ventures into whatever it comes across, anything and everything remotely associated with the 'experience guaranteed' tag. And there are some who refuse to be classified, the-one-of-a-kind sort. At times when the word dedication has become something of a cliche, I dedicate this post to all perpetual triggers of my life. The coherent beings determined to bring about positive changes in others (knowingly or otherwise).May you all live in interesting times!


  1. Yup, inspirations from someone's work is a contagious disease actually. The way it is adapted and moulded by someone else does bring out various other perspectives and ideologies that it can be dealt with. Cool No?

    May you all live in interesting times:) Like it..

  2. very cool indeed :) wonder what'll happen if this 'contagious disease' is eradicated..! disturbing!
