Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The lost habits...

I know I'm supposed to complete the hypotheses I began in the previous post. But before that, I am trying to search for the lost me. The habits that constitute what I am. Or in fact the habits that used to define me. Old habits die hard they say. I have been proving it wrong and I seriously think it is bad habits that die hard. They are easy to cultivate and difficult to get out of. Something of a dangerous addiction. On musing about this issue, I encounter a few stunning revelations. Being disoriented, muddled, grouchy, bellyaching and so on and on and on..whoa, these have replaced my old self!  Now this is like being stuck in a rut; escaping from these centrifuge of actions depends on..er..no points for guessing, ya, it's just me!
Hoping to finish the housing hypotheses as I have had some more interesting experiences since last time. And it's time to move on with the fillers. What I should've been writing about. What it feels like to be out of my safe haven. The travails of looking for a person to work with in a classroom full of experienced people. The shock I went through on realizing I am not going to learn enough in the time span that a quarter revolves around. The hectic madness it all turns out to be. The disgusting use of toilet paper. The cold blast of wind making me numb and the frustratingly angled sunshine failing to make me warm. OH... there we go.. I just said I should stop doing this.
Okay, I have to make it sound like this: What is feels like to be independent. The exposure gained by belonging to a diverse classroom. The feverishly exciting pace at which things function here making me learn some tactics for managing the ever so precious time. The water conservation tendency that looms at large (which is good! it's a resource to be conserved! in future, we are going to face water-wars!). The pleasant weather with a tinge of the La Jolla Sun shining down on me, ever so mildly.. This is heaven on earth.


  1. I love how it ends... Hang in there, we're all struggling.. together! :)

  2. life is like that...im really proud that you have a true ense of self analysation. i love you

  3. thank you ma :D I love you too! :D

  4. We learn a lot in this kinda experience too.. dont we?..Slowly moving out of our comfort zone!..

  5. that's true...comfort zone is the coziest place ever.. stepping out may be good.. :)
